Brain4Brain foundation |
SPIDIA Standardisation and improvement of generic pre-analytical tools and procedures for in vitro diagnostics |
EURIPIDES European research initiative to develop Imaging Probes for early In-vivo Diagnosis and Evaluation of response to therapeutic substances |
NEUROBID Neuroscience on barriers in development |
EUROSPIN European consortium on synaptic protein networks in Neurological and Psychiatric diseases |
NEUROXSYS Genomic regulatory systems of human X-linked neurological diseases |
NEUROGLIA Molecular and cellular investigation of neuron-astroglia interactions: Understanding brain function and dysfunction |
DOPAMINET Molecular networks of dopaminergic neurons in chordates |
NEUROPT Non-invasive imaging of brain function and disease by pulsed near infrared light |
PARADISE Psychosocial factors relevant to brain disorders in Europe |
BRAINSYNC Large scale interactions in brain networks and their breakdown in brain diseases |
MEMOSAD Memory loss in Alzheimer disease: underlying mechanisms and therapeutic targets |
EUSTROKE European stroke research network |
NEURO.GSK3 GSK-3 in neuronal plasticity and neurodegeneration: basic mechanisms and pre-clinical assessment |
ARISE Affording recovery in stroke |
BRAINCAV Nonhuman adenovirus vectors for gene transfer to the brain |
CISSTEM Cis-regulatory logic of the transcriptional control in neural stem cells |
MEMOLOAD Neurobiological mechanisms of memory loss in Alzheimer's disease |
PLASTICISE Promotion of plasticity as a treatment for neurodegenerative conditions |
CHERISH Improving diagnoses of mental retardation in children in Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia through genetic characterisation and bioinformatics/-statistics |
MOODINFLAME Early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mood disorders targetting the activated inflammatory response system |
EUROV1SION Imaging function and dysfunction of neuronal circuits in the visual cortex |
NEUROCYPRES Neurotransmitter cys-loop receptors: structure, function and disease |
DIAMARK Sensory and biomechanical markers in diabetic neuropathy of the gut. Basic investigations and new approaches for treatment |
MEGMRI Hybrid MEG-MRI imaging system |
SPACEBRAIN Space coding in hippocampo-entorhinal neuronal assemblies |
NEUGENE Advanced gene therapy tools for treatment of CNS-specific disorder |
BID Brains in dialogue: brain science at the service of European citizens |